Passionate About Inspiring Others
Professional Career
1997-2021: Senior National Security Officer, U.S. Federal Government
- During my civil service career, I utilized my intelligence, diplomatic, and military experience to lead diverse multinational teams in multiple countries to successfully accomplish complex objectives
- Multiple briefing, speaking, training engagements
1978-1997: Non-Commissioned Officer, Intelligence Branch, United States Army
- As an Army NCO, I worked on numerous intelligence related issues culminating with the Defense Attache' assignments - Multiple briefing, speaking, training engagements

Post Graduate Study, Harvard University
Master Public Administration, Central Michigan University
U.S. Federal Government, certified Intelligence Community instructor
U.S. Army Intelligence School, certified instructor
Ziglar Legacy Certified instructor/speaker
Ziglar Speakers’ Institute graduate
Transformation Academy, certified Master Life Coach
Transformation Academy, certified Workshop Facilitator
AARP Speakers Bureau
Professional Ski Instructors of America